

On Saturday May 26, 2012 on the eve of Pentecost at Saint Charles Borromeo Church, 178 Dexter Street, Providence, Rhode Island from 9:30 am to 8:30 pm, there will be a One Day Life in the Spirit Seminar, all seven weeks in one, ending with the Baptism in the Spirit. Anyone interested please register with Ed or Kathy Lamarre at 1-508-399-7407 or the Rectory at 1-401-421-6441. This will be an awesome day of blessings.

~The Life in the Spirit Seminar Explained~

“Renew in our day, O Lord, your wonders as in a new Pentecost”
Open yourselves docilely to the gifts of the Spirit. Accept gratefully and obediently the charisms which the Spirit never ceases to bestow on us. Do not forget that every charism is given for the common good, that is for the benefit of the whole Church. — John Paul II, 1998..
Pope John Paul II

The Life in the Spirit Seminar is commonly used by Catholic groups in the context of renewal in the Roman Catholic Church. It is an instrument for bringing people into a deeper experience of the work of the Holy Spirit. The Seminar offers the basic presentation of the Gospel and the basic teaching about what the Lord is willing to do for all who come to Him.
“The water I give shall become a fountain within him, leaping up to provide eternal life”
Bible Picture
The Life in the Spirit Seminar is available for everyone.
The Seminar provides a way to learn more about living in the Spirit.
In the Seminar you can take steps which will allow Jesus Christ to establish, or restore, or deepen a relationship with you.
For Catholics who have experienced the sacramental graces, Jesus will give you a new and fuller relationship with Himself.
The gift of the Spirit fills our whole life and changes us so that we begin to know and experience God's love and the abundant life Jesus spoke of …
"I came that they might have life and have it to the full."
(John 10:10)
The Church has never lost the life of the Spirit nor the experience of the Power of the Spirit.
“God so loved the world that He gave his only Son, that whoever
believes in Him may not die, but may have eternal life.”
(John 3:16)
  • God loves us!
  • God wants to make contact with us and have a personal relationship with us!
  • God wants to give us a new and better life!
“He it is who will baptize you in the Holy Spirit and fire.” (Matt. 3:11)
And he sent His Spirit to dwell within us so that we might be more closely
united to Him than we are to anyone or anything.
The Life in the Spirit Seminar graces Christians to experience a
fuller measure of the
Love, Joy, Generosity, Gentleness, Faithfulness, Peace, Patience,
Self-Control, Kindness. (Gal.5:22-23)

Charismatic gifts of the Spirit

Prophecy    |     Deliverance    |   Tongues     |    Teaching
|    Discernment
|    Knowledge  I  Wisdom I   Discernment  I Miracles

The Father in heaven will give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him. — Luke 11:9-13.


Ed Sousa said...

Life in the Spirit Seminar

Perhaps one of you feel called to this new relationship with Jesus through the Holy Spirit or you know someone that may be ready for this. I would be happy to talk to you if you have any questions or concerns. My life was changed in the early seventies through my Baptism in the Spirit and it just continues to grow as the years do with many blessings and gifts and healings. I totally depend on and trust that relationship no matter what happens. I know He is with me all the time and we share an intimate and personal bond. I make no decisions without getting His word. It doesn't mean my life is any easier and most of you know it is quite the opposite, but I am never alone. I just need to remember that I gave my life to Him and He knows best what is best for me. Therefore, I have gotten to where I totally trust. I take nothing back. I know if I do, it won't be His way, it will be mine and I certainly can't trust that. This relationship is a beautiful way of life that I strongly recommend!

If you can't give this entire day, then you may be interested in a future seven week Seminar where you will come the same evening every week and the Baptism in the Spirit will take place on the last week. You can contact me if you would like to be notified when one of those Seminars will begin.

God Bless You,
Roberta Narrin

Ed Sousa said...

Dear children! May this time be for you a time of prayer and silence. Rest your body and spirit, may they be in God’s love. Permit me, little children, to lead you, open your hearts to the Holy Spirit so that all the good that is in you may blossom and bear fruit one hundred fold. Begin and end the day with prayer with the heart. Thank you for having responded to my call. Medjugorje message, July 25, 2011

Ed Sousa said...

Dear children! Today I call you, through prayer and sacrifice, to prepare yourselves for the coming of the Holy Spirit. Little children, this is a time of grace and so, again, I call you to decide for God the Creator. Allow him to transform and change you. May your heart be prepared to listen to, and live, everything which the Holy Spirit has in his plan for each of you. Little children, allow the Holy Spirit to lead you on the way of truth and salvation towards eternal life. Thank you for having responded to my call. Medjugorje message, May 25, 1998

Ed Sousa said...

Fr. John Randall said,
"The Holy Spirit makes your Baptism come alive Then, like St. Paul, you can say, "It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me" (Galatians 2.20).

Ed Sousa said...

Life in the Spirit

During the Last Supper, Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to remain with His Church forever. That promise was fulfilled through the charismatic experience at Pentecost.

Repeated affirmations by our Popes have encouraged us to embrace the charismatic dimension of our faith. More than 120 million Catholics in 235 countries have experienced the touch of God through the renewal. But there is more … so much more for each of us!

The Life In The Spirit Seminar continues the Pentecost miracle today in our communities. The Holy Spirit wants to empower us, to give us His gifts and to touch us personally.

Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa OFM, Cap., Preacher to Papal Household writes in his book, Praying for the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit As by a New Pentecost, the following: There were four stages in the events of Pentecost: They were all filled with the Holy Spirit; they proclaimed God’s mighty works; God poured out His charisms on all flesh; and the Father made Jesus Lord. The principal instrument by which the renewal in the Spirit “changes people’s lives” is the baptism in the Spirit. This is a rite that occurs with gestures of great simplicity, in peace and joy, accompanied by an attitude of humility, repentance and openness to being children to enter the kingdom. It is a kind of epiclesis- that is an invocation of the Spirit upon a member of the body of Christ. It is a renewal and actualization of Christian initiation. A personal Pentecost!

To some, He wants to give the gift of healing; To others, the gift of speaking in tongues and to still others, the gift of prophecy. As St. Paul says in Corinthians 12:11, “…one and the same Spirit produces all of these, distributing them individually to each person as he wishes.” The Catechism (ccc799) tells us that these extraordinary or simple and humble graces of the Holy Spirit called charisms, have been given to benefit the Church and should be accepted with gratitude. They are a wonderfully rich grace for the apostolic vitality and for the holiness of the entire Body of Christ.

If you would like a deeper union with God, a greater love for others, a fuller presence in your life of the fruit of the Holy Spirit, a fresh appreciation of Scripture, a desire for Christian fellowship, one or more of the charismatic gifts of the Holy Spirit such as discernment and wisdom, then you won’t want to miss the Life In The Spirit Seminar and this wonderful opportunity to experience the power and presence of the Spirit in your life!

Ed Sousa said...

Fr. John Randall said incredible things happen when people experience the Holy Spirit,after he experienced
the Holy Spirit every time he followed one of God's
plans, it worked.